Helping men answer the question: “How do I feel right now?”

Men don’t like therapy.

They frequently don’t understand their own feelings, lack the words to describe them, indulge in old coping behaviors to avoid the whole feelings thing.

At Mankind Center, we’re hyper-focused on helping our clients become the men they want to be.

“What’s wrong with me?”

Men Aren’t Given the Right Words

How often were you encouraged to talk about how you really feel? Who listened to you feel unsure? Scared? Not confident? Belittled?

These are normal feelings for anyone, but men in particular lack outlets to process these feelings. We aren’t given a place to even use these words; we’ve had specific parts of our vocabulary amputated.

Men Misunderstand their Strength

How many times have we encountered a boss or a coach that was a bully? It sucks, right? We’re confronted with a mean person that seeks to intimidate us.

This is the face of the Child-Man. This is what it looks like for a man to stop learning at 13 years old.

Men Aren’t Given Permission to Feel

We typically get only three outlets for our feelings: anger, work and sex. And work and sex aren’t feelings.

Yet men have a rich universe of internal feelings. We feel soft. Scared. Intimidated. Dumb. Unsure. Cute. Clever. Affectionate. Weak. Sad.

When we only have a few pipes to shove all these feelings through, we make bad choices and sometimes we hurt others.

Worse, we begin to lose the ability to understand our own feelings. We don’t even know how to answer the simple question, “How do I feel right now?”


At The Mankind Center, we focus on men’s mental health.









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